How To Care for Your Garden in Late-Summer

Everyone is eager to begin gardening in early spring, but no one is ever ready to give it up. With proper care, your flower garden and other landscaping features of your yard can be healthy and beautiful late into the year. But only if you continue nourishing them. Follow these quick tips to help you master your late-summer garden.

Clean it up

The annuals and perennials you’ve enjoyed all spring and summer have run their course in terms of blooming. Bushes and flowering plants can be full of dead leaves or hanging onto dead and decaying blooms. To keep your garden heathy and neat, pull or trim the dead and dying pieces from the plant. Trim your hedges or trees to promote fresh growth and avoid an unkempt yard. If you’re ready to prune and divide your plants, now is an ideal time. Don’t forget to take care of the weeds that may have sprouted after heavy summer storms.

Plant late-summer bloomers

For those of us who want to enjoy color in our gardens as long as possible, you’ll know it’s time to plant your late-summer colors. Once you’ve pruned and dead headed the early summer blossoms, your garden may be looking a bit sparse (or just too much foliage). Ask the team at your local garden center which flowers will bloom through August and September.

Plant a tree

We know there are numerous benefits to adding trees and shrubs to your landscaping and if you’re looking to plant trees and shrubs, late summer is the perfect time. The soil has been softened by weeks of summer heat and rain, which means less work for you. Whatever you plant will still have time to root before winter comes.

Lay fresh mulch

The same heat and moisture that has made the soil more workable has also been breaking down all that mulch you spread months ago. To prevent the soil from drying out as we approach fall, apply a fresh layer. Remember to keep fresh mulch inches away from plant crowns.

Plan your fall garden

Speaking of the season change, in a couple months we’ll be enjoying our autumn gardens. Plan your fall garden now so you can order everything you need before it’s time to plant. It will be here before you know it!

For more tips on maintaining your landscaping at home, follow our blog or call to chat with the experts.

Joseph Plitt